The Perfect Veep

Trump is making me cringe.

He has spent two weeks doing public events with potential vice presidential candidates. We’ve seen him with Washington politicians, both men and women, as they smile and chat together in front of the cameras.

It’s his way of giving each one a test-drive before asking them to join him on his presidential bumper sticker.

He even spends his time with a guy like Senator Bob Corker, who famously changed Senate rules to allow a treaty to not be called a treaty, just so President Obama would not have to submit the Iran Nuclear Treaty–er, uh, “Deal”–to the Senate and have it rejected.

Then Trump shows up with Newt Gingrich. Yikes!
Ol’ Newt–and yes, he is old: 74 years old at last count–hasn’t done anything in politics since he was voted out of the seat of Speaker of the House during the Lewinsky Scandal in the late 1990s. Sure, he writes a lot of books, and must mint money on the lecture circuit. But he hasn’t done or said anything innovative since he won the Speaker’s Seat in the landslide election of 1994.

If Trump wants to pick an old white has-been as his running mate, why not choose Romney?

But if Trump is smart, there is only one choice: Sheriff Dave Clark of Wisconsin.

Here’s why:

  1. He’s calm, concise and articulate
  2. He’s pro Law-and-Order without being in your face
  3. He’s a vigorous proponent of the 2nd Amendment
  4. He’s really good on TV, and has lots of experience doing interviews
  5. He is a serious man
  6. He’s really tall
  7. He’s melanin efficient
  8. the base loves him: he will REALLY fire them up

In these bleak times when the President of the United States insults police forces all over the country, Americans crave a man who is the direct opposite.

There is a powerful vacuum of leadership when it comes to our civil society. By very calm example of American Manliness, Sheriff Clark fills that void.

–The Beltway Bandit